Thursday, August 18, 2005

Those Bloody Vendor

Every time I meet our vendor, I always ask myself why it’s so hard for them to finish this project. Is it a matter of time consuming or just you guys have a bad programmer. It’s already 5 days I’m waiting for them to solve live issue. I remember last week I meet them and told them about those error that happen inside the system, it seems that they cannot accept the problem and try to avoid it. And for me it cannot be accept because user spotted the mistake, and if the programmer cannot find it, so who is the programmer actually. When I just join this company, one of staff here told me that, always check for the vendor code, because they might not doing it correctly, and I even experienced it when one of this module already tested by my supervisor and already sign out, but suddenly when we want to deploy that module didn’t work. So we have to chase the programmer and sit beside him and make sure he’s doing it correctly. In one more cases, I have called the vendor, and asked him either can we extend the module capability from just printing receipt that has been key-in by user but also receipt generated by system, guess what? He said, he needs to create a new module for that so we have to pay for that simple problem, Bollywood vendor. I think it is bad to deal with this kind of vendor.

We already facing a problem with the system although it’s already on production, this is worse because we dealing with money. Luckily vendor still here, if the vendor left, I guess maybe we have to solve it by our own. If you want to know why our IT graduate is so hard to find a job, here is the problem. Actually there is a lot of project that involve with IT in our country, but most of them a using outside vendor, from India, and of course the programmer also from India. Its not to say their programmer is not good, but is it our Malaysian is so bad their knowledge. Issue of graduate cannot speak well in English, or lack of communication is an old issue; the Japanese not even can speak a single line of word. Still they believe they can do it, and they have done it, just see the electronic product. If we didn’t believe on our own people who is going to do it? Hmmm… just so pathetic to see our IT graduate being dump, of course fresh graduate is lack of knowledge and skill but please we can give them a chance. Anak kera disusukan, anak dirumah mati kelaparan.

* Thanks to my former boss for gave a chance to show my talent and improve my knowledge and skills.
* Ni mana jubah Yahudi mabuk kau kutip? Kat sini- nih mana programmer mabuk korang kutip nih?
* Kesian gak aku tengok graduate nak cari kerja, termasuklah aku sendiri walau dah ada experience, kerja memang banyak kat malaysia tapi kalau hang ada degree takkan hang nak pi kerja buruh binaan ye tak?

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