Thursday, December 29, 2005

A Hard Day's Night

It's been a hard day's night
And I've been workin' like a dog.
It's been a hard day's night.
I should be sleepin' like a log,

But when I get home to you,
I find the things that you do
Make me feel alright.

You know I work all day
To get you money to buy you things
And it's worth it just to hear you say,
You're gonna give me everything.
So why on earth should I moan?'
Cause when I get you alone,
You know a feel okay.

When I'm home,
Everything seems to be right.
When I'm home,
Feeling you holding me tight.
Tight, yeah.

It's been a hard day's night
And I've been workin' like a dog.
It's been a hard day's night.
I should be sleepin' like a log,

But when I get home to you,
I find the things that you do
Make me feel alright.

You make me feel alright.
You know I feel alright.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Let's Move

Move it, move it....agaknya memang trend la kalau dah kuli tuh kenalah pandai jual diri, maksud aku marketing la. Ada org yg dlm setahun pernah kerja 4-5 company, contract basis, ader plak 5-10 tahun company tu jer, ader lagik best 25 tahun kat situ, jadi old timer. Kat company aku skrg ader org dah kerja kat sini 8-10 tahun dept IT. Memang aku tak percaya sebab pertama mcm mana org IT nih buleh stay lama, aku yg baru masuk dah nak blah. Kedua banyak mana gaji diorang dpt duduk kat sini dengan increament yg aku dapat tau tahun lepas increament diorang lebih kurang RM24, yg pada aku dah tak cukup. Lepas tuh ader plak mamat yg duduk dept finance jadi mcm clerk la, sebab dah 6-7 tahun di punya gaji mcm tuh jugak so dia cau pergi marketing. Katakanlah aku pon stay gak kat sini lagi 10 tahun dengan increament RM24 maknanya lagi sepuloh tahun aku baru dapat increament RM240 aduh pedihnya, tapi kalau cau sekarang company lain buleh offer lagi 7-8 ratus lagi increament. So bebudak IT kat company nih dah mula down sebab bonus pun kurang lepastuh increament pon skit.

Agaknya aku pon tunggu masa jer nih. Kalau dapat offer ja aku pon blah sebab bukan niat aku nak turndown kan company tapi kalau dah company pon takleh harap macam mana. Dari sudut lain berbaloikah kalau kita nih begitu setia dengan company tapi bila company nak cut cost dia main tendang ja kita. So kalau dah makan gaji tuh takyah rasa nak stay sgt. Aku pernah tak pegi satu interbiu company best sebab aku rasa aku dah cukup selesa kat company nih, bodo kan??????

Tapi ader gak interbiu yg aku pergi tapi tak best plak company tuh, itu kebodohan jugak tuh, sebab bila apply main klik jer.

* So sesapa yg nak gaji tinggi eloklah lompat-lompat company tuh skit lainla kalo gaji dah banyak eekkk.
* Kalo nak lompat sebab bos tak best itu lain la pulak, tapi kalo bost tak best mesti gaji pon tak best kan.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Aku : Assalamualaikum! Gud mornin!
Penemuduga :Walaikumussalam! Good....
Aku : Ehemehem......
Penemuduga : So you can start lah!
Aku : name is bla..bla...blaaaa, 3 years blaaaa......,now work at.......
Penemuduga : Masa first job tuh awak buat aper?
Aku : Buat system...bla..bla...asyik tukar fikiran...bla...bla....
Penemuduga: Kenapa nak cari kerja baru?
Aku : Sebab...sebabb....aaaa.......nak cari gaji yg lebih tinggi...more exposure....dlh hati(bosan, benci kat kompeni)
Penemuduga: Ooooo...kompeni nih...banyak nih...bagus sini...sana bagusss......
Aku :Dlm hati (Uish best nyer).
HR : Berapa gaji awak nak.
Aku : Nak banyak.
HR : Banyak mana?
Aku : lebih kurang......
HR : Berapa minimum tuh?
Aku : aaaa.......
Penemuduga: OK, terima kasih, kalau berjaya nanti kitaorang call.

* Tahun nih aku banyak pi interbiu. Dialog dia atas tuh adalah imaginasi aku selepas aku kena intebiu semalam.
* Bini aku rasa aku boleh bejaya dlm interbiu semalam, aku tak rasa apa-apa, cuma harap jer lebih.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Sampah Yg Ditinggalkan

Sebenarnya aku tak kisah sangat pasal nak membersihkan sampah nih. Lagipon somtimes memang kita kan membuat sampah , dan kita akan bersihkannya tapi kat kompeni nih, ader org yang tinggalkan sampah yang memang susah nak dibetulkan oleh org lain, dan yg menjadi mangsa adalah pekerja-pekerja yang tertinggal, sebab masa apply kerja lain tak dapat.

So sebenarnya kisah aku, pasal sistem yang dibuat sebelum kedatangan aku kemari. Lepas 3 tahun sistem berjalan so ok lah, bug pon namp[aknya semakin berkurangan, tetapi pada hakikatnya lobang-lobang sikit punya banyak kat dalam, tak nampak sebab tak ada org cari pon. So benda macam nih amatlah kritikal. Masa nak buat sistem janji vendor bukan main manis, tapi dah lama banyak pulak user nih komplen kat aku, so aku pon balas balik "apasal dulu tak cakap?". Dia menjawab, "dulu sudah cakap tapi diorang buat lain" hahhh sudahhh. Macam mana nih? Aku dah baru setahun jagung, selok-belok sistem pon belum mahir, inikan nak memandai bantai vendor, so terpaksalah aku ikut ja apa yg dioffer oleh vendor. Tetapi lama kelamaan nampak mcm vendor nih main buat halai-balai ja dgn sistem nih, kalau siap pon mesti ada yg nak kena betuikan balik. Dah sembilan bulan dah aku kat sini tapi aku rasa mcm semalam aku join, dan hari nih aku rasa nak blah sebab sampah nih aku nak kena bersihkan, tapi taktau mcm mana. Kalau aku diberikan sistem nih, so bagi vendor tu blah, so ramailah kaum kerabatku akan aku tarik masuk untuk tolong aku. Tapi kalau dak aku lah yg blah.

Sejak akhir-akhir ni member-member kat sini pon semakin aktif jobstreet, siap umumkan pulak tuh kalau dah apply, dpt belum lagi. Aku pon sama, keadaan tak menentu kat sini, aku pulak tak tentu hala, year end dah dekat nak closing account lagi, aku nak kena check system lagi, nak check bugs lagi, nak ....ahalalala banyaknyer kerja yg boring. Ker aku takleh multitasking, dulu tempat lama ok. Serious kat sini memang lain. Ujian nih ujian...........ya ALLAH murahkanlah rezeki aku.

* Agaknya aku skrg tgh diuji kot? ker memang ini dah rezeki aku. yang mana satu ah.
* Kalau nak blah kang org ckp aku nih lari dari problem, rugi kompeni besaq, kalau tak blah aku yg pening.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Hi Boss

Hi Boss,

People who do lots of work...
make lots of mistakes

People who do less work...
make less mistakes

People who do no work...
make no mistakes

People who make no mistakes...
gets promoted

That's why I spend most of my time
sending e-mails & playing games at work
I need a promotion.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Di Suatu Senja

Di suatu senja di hari yg lalu......, hujan renyai-renyai, pulanglah si hamba abdi dari tempat kerjanya. Hari yang hampir maghrib ditambah pulak dgn hujan renyai-renyai membuatkan badannya terasa lemah dan loglai. Sambil menuggang skuter matanya mengusyar sekeliling mencari-cari daun bunga raya. Dalam hatinya " Hai sebesaq-besaq KL nih pon susah nak cari daun bunga raya". Disebalik kesesakan Jln Loke Yew itu hatinya jauh mengenangkan anak yg demam panas hampir seminggu. Sesampai si abdi di tepi sebuah tasik tiba tiba matanya tertumpu ke satu tempat yg terdapat banyak sungguh pokok bunga raya. Tanpa membuang masa si abdi pon memberhentikan motosikal dan memetik seberapa banyak yg boleh. Selesai sahajamemetik bunga raya si abdi pon bergegas untuk pulang sambil menunggang dengan perlahan sekitar tasik dia ternampak sebuah Wira tengah park, didalam kereta ternampak dua merpati sedang memadu asmara, dalam hati "Hai, kat tepi tasik pon buleh on....hmmm lantak ko lah ".

p/s:daun bunga raya sesuai untuk mengurangkan hangat badan(terutama bagi org yg demam panas) dengan cara tuamkan air rendaman daun bunga raya kekepala, beromen disebelah pokok daun bunga raya tidak menhilangkan haba tubuh, tapi menaikkan suhunya......hehehehheeh.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Roadtax Ku Mampus

Ayah: Hang dah check bila roadtax mati Mohd?
Aku : Dak pon!
Ayah: Ayah tenggok tadi, hang tau bila mati?
Aku: Tak tau, bila?
Ayah: Bulan sepuloh hari tu lagi.
Aku: Aaaaa......habih tuh masa raya takdak roadtax la......dlm hati(nasib baik tak esiden ka).
Bini: Abang awat tak check dulu.
Aku: Mana nak tau.
Ayah: Nanti ayah suruh depa(agen) renew.
Aku:Duit lagi.

Aku sekarang dlm proses menghabiskan duit dengan membeli sebijik rumah teres. Dan aku dah lama kurang duit, tapi aku still kool sebab aku buleh makan nasi lagi, kalau tak habih aku. Nih roadtax pulak mai. Aku rasa nak cari kerja yang gaji lagi banyak. Dan minggu lepas seperti biasa ahpek yg selalu tipu aku hensem buat lagi dan aku kecundang RM250, huhuhhu raket badminton yg mahal dengan kasut sekali, stokin pon sama. Utang MARA pulak mengejar aku dari belakang, betul ckp Cikgu Kemahiran Hidup aku dulu, hidup ni ibarat gelung, kerja ,bayar kat org, kerja bayar kat org. Bila aku buleh keluaq dari gegelung ini(tak termasuk la la masuk kuboq )


Thursday, October 27, 2005

Terkenang Zaman IMU

Huhuhhuhu...sedih aku bila teringat kat IMU dulu, kalau dekat raya nih mmg dah tak rajin nak buat kerja dah. Lepas tuh ada la bebudak dah start pasang lagu raya...hehehehe. Kat sini depa ni tak pasang pon lagu raya,mp3 pon susah nak dengar. Aku teringat kat tempat Zairol katil sebelah toilet yg aku ngan hafezh selalu lepak tuh, eheeehehhee mcm-mcm lawak yg ada kalau dah masuk kat situ. Lepas tuh aku teringat kat surau IMU yang banyak meninggalkan kenangan dekat aku, kat sini pon port aku ngan hafezh gak, melepak sambil melepaskan lelah. Tengahari lepas makan ja kami cabut pi surau, tidoq 1/2 jam. Lepas tuh kalau hari Jumaat la meriah, pi sembahyang ramai-ramai, lepas tuh lepak bawah pokok. Banyak kenangan di IMU sebab tuh aku teringat sgt, dari start aku bujang sampai aku kawin aku kerja kat IMU. Lepas tuh rezeki takdak, habih semua berselerak.

Lagi satu kalau bulan-bulan posa nih mesti opis ada organize bukak posa. Kat sini experience mcm tuh kurang la. Harap kan vendor jerlah. Kalau kat IMU cuti raya panjang, kat sini tak buleh sebab cuti pendek paling banyak pon 14 hari dia bagi setahun. Tapi kat mana-mana pon kalau dah dekat raya nih happy ja, iraq la tak kot. Tapi itulah suasana kat IMU dulu kadang-kadang aku syok pulak bila teringat balik. Kepada ex-cko Selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Orang Melayu Terer

Sapa kata org melayu tak terer, org melayu terer pa, tapi dalam bidang yang lain la.

Dulu masa aku kat sekolah depa kata Jepun tak reti nak buat motor, so bebudak kat malaysia nih modified sikit. Kalau handle motor tu nampak mcm straight diorang bengkokkan sikit bagi senang nak ambik corner, lepas tuh korang jgn ingat kereta jer buleh lowed motor pon buleh, depa lowed jugak depa kata Jepun tak reti, kalau lowed nanti senang sikit ambik lap. Kalau naik EX5 kan ada kotak angin, takmau depa tukaq letak air filter bagi angin yg masuk tuh bersih sikit, kusyen motor pon potong sikit bagi leper. Semua benda nih kepandaian org melayu, yang untung tokey kedai la, tiap kali nak modified pi kedai.

Benda nih aku selalu gak nampak tapi kat kampung la, signal kan kaler merah, so nak bagi nampak syok depa letakkan tinted hitam so nampak macam lampu hitam. Spring macam biasa la potong bagi rendah lagi, nak beli absorber yg buleh adjust tak mampu. Steereng kereta tukaq bagi jadi kecik lagi supaya nampak lagi sporty. Kalau kereta tu power steereng tak kisah, tapi kalau kancil tah la macam mana, sebab ada satu kes eksiden sebab stereng kereta susah nak control. Memacam la org melayu nih.

Dulu kalau raya mesti dengar org main mercun, termasuk lah aku, tapi aku masa umur 11-12 tahun dah tak main sebab ayah aku marah. Mercun kalau yang dekat kedai bunyi kuat, tapi tak cukup kuat bagi bebudak kampung aku so depa modified, depa pakai belerang bunga api lepas tuh masukkan dalam besi paip ka takpon buat mercun sendiri, kreatif. Buat meriam jangan cakap la, buleh dengaq satu felda maunya.

Ni lah yang aku rasa area yg org melayu paling terer, aku tak tau la kalau korang ada yang lagi best.

* Jangan main mercun nanki kena tangan.

Friday, October 07, 2005

When It Goes High

There it goes the price is hiking, actually sometimes it's not fair to us when we buy from pasar ramadhan. Its happen beside me yesterday, when I was buying ‘asam pedas keladi’ for RM2, not so much but I think its enough for me, but for men beside me, he asking that kakak either can or not he want to buy ‘masak lemak siput sedut’ fro RM1 but that kakak told him that she sell it RM2. For me if we can buy for RM2 for sure we can buy for RM1, and the quantity of RM1 should be less than RM2. But there is a few seller who don’t want to do this. I don’t know why, maybe they want to sell it fast or take more money from it. But its not fare for customer who only want to taste it, because if we buy it too much than we will waste it. A lot of people want to buy variety of food but in small quantity so we can taste all, but some buyer doesn’t want it.

So that guy buys it for RM2. I think some of the food also not fair to their price, the taste is not that good as price. So this year ramadhan seems everything is high. For me I just keep it to only two or three type of food. As the month of Ramadan goes on there are a few people also who doesn’t feel anything. They dress like there is nothing happen around them, I think that can be consider normal, but this one happen to my friend a few years back in Johor. He was helping this brother selling kuih during ramadan, and one day there is a guy come to buy kuih from his stall, so after that guy buy that kuih he ate it infront of everybody at there, so everybody watched him and guess what he said “apa nak malu, makan depan org ramai, dah tak puasa tu buat la cara tak puasa, makan aje la”. That’s what my friends told me. I guess this guy is mad, of course if we didn’t fasting we can eat, but not infront of others. Puasa jangan tak puasa.

* Bulan posa aku dah tak buleh makan banyak la skrg ni, dulu ok ja kalau takat dua pinggan nasi.
* Wei takdak sapa ka nak buat majlis berbuka posa, posa gathering ok gak.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

My Birthday

I guess, i supposed to have a cake for my birthday...but I don't want that. I want something bigger hehhehehe(It's not woman). For the first time in my life I taking a short time in buying something for myself. It's my birthday actually that's why I want it and I want it and so it I do and now I got it. I had never celebrate my birthday, unlike others I guess, my birthday will go on as usual without something special, only wen I was in University there is a girl ask me to go for date , actually I asked, because my friend said she waiting for my invitation...hehehhehe. So that was my first celebration and after that It my birthday fill up with date with my wife.....until now, is happening, but I always asked myself how is the feeling when I make a big party (poolside party yeah!!!! hehhehe) and everybody singing a birthday song for me and we had a big cake and that!enough!enough!. Sound like I'm a son to a rich man, but would never happen and I don't want it to be happen to my son. And that all what happen to my birthday I only get present and card, present and card,present and card.

But this year I buy my own present, because I want to appreciate myself, I want to satisfy my feeling and my passion. I got myself a brand new motorcycle, yup!!!! yesss!!! is a big motorcycle...its only a modenas scooter. I didn't care what ever other people says about scooter, hard maintenace, to big for cilok, modenas tak bagus, I don't care....its mine now, my precious red modenas elegan....hahhahahhahahahha. I bought it with my own money(0f course Allah gave it) and some contribution from my wife because I will send her to office with my scooter.

I went to see the scooter on 1 pm and after discussed with my wife about half an hour, I go to the salesman and he prepare everything. Then I pay some downpayment then I went to JPJ for registration, at 4 pm I finished all registration process and I go back to my house. After that around 5.30 I went back to the shop to get the scooter, so easy and fast. I'm the most happy man that day, Its new scooter....and I liked it very much. The feeling was different, cannot be say in word. Well I guess, I bought this just for preparation for the hiking oil price and our congested road.

* Now I'm a raider again, I thought I want to buy a leather jacket, saw a guy this morning very cool with leather jacket.
* Hafezzh(panggil macam prof ape tah!!!tak ingat nama) kali ni kalo ko nak tompang ok , sebab dulu motor kapchai yamaha aku tak laju, la! ok siap buleh potong lori kalau tak lepas, siap badan. hehehe.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Aku Kebuluran Sekarang

Ya Allah....jam baru 11:24 pagi. Bila la nak lunch time, perut aku nih dah macam harimau lapaq dah. Ini lah akibat dari tak sarapan pagi, aku ingat perut aku kebal so aku skip la pagi ni punya sarapan. Sampai opis dah dekat 8.25 pagi, so mana nak sempat sarapan lagi. Sekarang aku tengah menderita menahan lapaq. Ni kalau sua harimau tak pon gajah pon aku buleh makan. Aku nih memang jenis yang jarang ambik sarapan. Lain la kalau kat opis lama dulu....sarapan mau sampai pukul 8.45. Kat sini strict sikit, semamalam pon aku dah di beri teguran, aku punya mandur suruh mai awai sikit, takut nanti HR tak confirmkan aku. Lambat pulak aku tengok jam nih berjalan. Dah muak dah nih aku asyik dok minum air kosong dari tadi.

Aku kalau pagi makan kurang sikit, kadang-kadang tuh mulut tak berselera langsung. Tapi perut lapaq, macam mana tuh? Mau pulak makan kat bawah nih tak banyak pilihan langsung. Arghhh....laparrrrrrrr......tolong!!!!!

* Minggu depan aku sarapan dulu.
* Kepala aku dah tak buleh berpikir, asyik teringat nasik nih.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Sakit Hati Ker Memang Jahat?

Sebenarnya dalam dunia memang banyak jenis orang dari yang paling baik sampai yang paling jahat. Semalam ada la adik aku yang pompuan cerita pasal member dia. Dia kata member dia dah pindah rumah 2-3 kali sebab ada hantu kacau. Aku pon katalah awat tak halau hantu tu? Adik aku kata family member dia kena hantu yang orang lain hantar. Aku tanya lagi, sapa hantaq? Dia kata makcik member dia. Uish.....takdak benda lainka yang lebih berfaedah dari hantar hantu kat rumah orang.

Adik aku pon bukalah cerita lagi, family member dia sekarang duduk tanah yang diberikan kepada adik beradik mak-bapak dia. Ada sorang makcik dia nih macam tak puas hati sikit dengan depa. Sebelum kejadian hantu-hantu nih pon, adik aku pernah pi rumah member dia nih. Ada satu malam tuh dia cakap ada toyol yang tengah main ikan dalam akuarium dekat rumah budak nih. Memula family dia tak syak apa-apa la dekat makcik dia, tapi ada sehari tuh makcik dia nih bawak tulang ayam bagi kat family budak nih. Dah...dapat tulang free, apa lagi buat supla...apalagi semua pakat sakit, so pi lah berubat kat satu tempat. Tok moh ni la yang bagi tau pasal makcik dia yang hantar. Lepas pada tuh depa duduk lagi kat situ tapi, ok la lepas hantu dah blah. Tapi makcik dia hantar lagi sekali. Kali nih tak tahan depa pindah pi jauh sikit. Masa nak pindah tuh makcik dia nih tepuk tangan bila tengok depa nak pindah. La depa duduk kat tempat lain, hantu tuh tengah cari rumah depa, tapi tak jumpa lagi, sebab banyak rumah kat Malaysia ni.

Aku pon heranla sebab harta ada jugak yang sampai sanggup berbunuhan sesama famili nih. Aku takut gak nanti kalau ayah aku mati aku pulak hantar hantu kat adik aku. Tapi aku rasa dalam kes nih makcik dia nih dah kena rasuk la. Nih dah taksub sangat. Apa pon aku harap member-meber yang ada taklah jadi macam nih, dan aku sendiri. Adik aku cerita lagi, makcik budak ni bertambah sakit hati bila tengok famili member nih beli sofa baru, lepas renovate lagi rumah, buat dapor besar-besar. Hmmmm....tak tau la aku kalau dah busuk perut tuh memang susah nak cakap la.

* Setiap family ada masalah tersendiri, famili bapak aku pon ada gak cerita tersendiri, pening kepala aku.

My Birthday

I guess, i supposed to have a cake for my birthday...but I don't want that. I want something bigger hehhehehe(It's not woman). For the first time in my life I taking a short time in buying something for myself. It's my birthday actually that's why I want it and I want it and so it I do and now I got it. I had never celebrate my birthday, unlike others I guess, my birthday will go on as usual without something special, only wen I was in University there is a girl ask me to go for date , actually I asked, because my friend said she waiting for my invitation...hehehhehe. So that was my first celebration and after that It my birthday fill up with date with my wife.....until now, is happening, but I always asked myself how is the feeling when I make a big party (poolside party yeah!!!! hehhehe) and everybody singing a birthday song for me and we had a big cake and that!enough!enough!. Sound like I'm a son to a rich man, but would never happen and I don't want it to be happen to my son. And that all what happen to my birthday I only get present and card, present and card,present and card.

But this year I buy my own present, because I want to appreciate myself, I want to satisfy my feeling and my passion. I got myself a brand new motorcycle, yup!!!! yesss!!! is a big motorcycle...its only a modenas scooter. I didn't care what ever other people says about scooter, hard maintenace, to big for cilok, modenas tak bagus, I don't care....its mine now, my precious red modenas elegan....hahhahahhahahahha. I bought it with my own money(0f course Allah gave it) and some contribution from my wife because I will send her to office with my scooter.

I went to see the scooter on 1 pm and after discussed with my wife about half an hour, I go to the salesman and he prepare everything. Then I pay some downpayment then I went to JPJ for registration, at 4 pm I finished all registration process and I go back to my house. After that around 5.30 I went back to the shop to get the scooter, so easy and fast. I'm the most happy man that day, its a new scooter. I never imagine that I can buy all this thing because previously when I bought my car, it was a secondhand and the feeling is different this time. Yeah!!!!!! I got a bike!!!!I got a bike!!!!I got a bike!!!!I got a bike!!!!.

* Sekarang aku pergi kerja naik motor, takat nak pi NAZA PJ tuh kejap ja aku berdesup.
* Hafezh kali nih ko jangan takut motor aku besar dah dari aku so ko buleh tumpang dulu ko tumpang yamaha 100 sport tak laju kali nih laju skit, siap buleh potong lori, kalau tak lepas siap badan.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Everything Back To Normal

Hmmmm..minggu nih semua nya dah kembali normal, diarhea dah abis. Cuma aku yang masih tercari-cari kerja baru. Buleh dikatakan tiap-tiap hari aku bukak jobstreet. Kalau jobtreet check IP aku mesti aku buleh dapat top list punya. Aku pon tak tau la pasai apa aku cari kerja lain, yerla dulu aku kata takut company aku buang orang tapi minggu lepas, lepas jumpa CEO dia cakap tak ada pemberhentian staff, ok la tuh. Tapi bagi aku, aku masih rasa macam tak syok ja kerja kat sini. Aku rasa macam kosong pon ada, rasa macam tak dapat apa-apa ilmu, ada la sikit...tapi semua tuh kebanyakannya tak menarik minat aku.

Dalam kepala otak aku ni, aku asyik teringat pasal duit. Kehulu kehilir duit jugak, kala dudu aku mula kerja kat kompeni lama aku tak kisah sangat, lepas tuh aku ada la nak gaji dlm 2 ribu, lepas tuh rasa cukup kot dapat 2 ribu setengah, la nih dah dapat lebih aku nak lagi. Masih rasa tak cukup...aih tak berkat ka gaji aku. Aku sebenarnya dah lama target nak keluar dari alam pekerjaan sebagai kuli nih. Aku ada la cita-cita nak jadi tokey sendiri, kalau tak ada pekerja pon takpa janji aku tak kerja bawah orang. Tapi tiap kali aku nak start ja mesti banyak pulak dugaan. Macam nak study buat mobile application, tiap kali aku nak buat time tuh la kepala aku rasa mengantuk la, kalau on PC pon aku pi main game, tak pon kalau time ada masa aku pulak layan movie, nih semua dugaan aku. Aku ni jenis bodoh sombong sikit...aik betul ke nih, eksyen? Aku jarang nak mintak tolong orang ajar aku, selalunya aku akan buat sendiri sampai buleh. Tapi kalau dah tak buleh sangat time tuh la aku jumpa orang. Takpa lah nak buat macam mana itulah aku...sebab tuh kat kompeni nih banyak benda yang aku taktau....dan sebenarnya semua benda tuh aku kena tanya orang....heheheh sebenarnya aku malu nak tanya orang. Tapi aku jenis explorer punya orang, kalu aku diam tuh ada la benda aku godek...macam sekarang nih kat kompeni nih ada satu program guna Centura, aku tengah godeh macam mana nak coding dalam nih. Tapi aku masih tak puas hati dengan kerja kat sini, aku pon confius.

Tiap-tiap hari aku balik kerja, masa berjalan nak pi LRT aku mesti layan dulu(berangan la), aku berangan nak buat application sendiri, lepas tuh lepak kat rumah, jual application kat internet. takpon duduk rumah bela kambing. Nih semua penyakit aku dari dulu lagi sebenarnya......kuat berangan. Aku berangan sambil berjalan, tak ke terer namanya tuh......sambil-sambil tu usyar awek kat situ dulu hehehheeh. Aku kalau bab berangan buleh samapai aku senyum sorang-sorang(syok sendiri). Tapi sebab berangan nih la jugak dulu aku buat final project kat U dapat dean list, padahal pointer aku kaput. Dulu aku masa kecik-kecik(umur 4-5 tahun), aku takdak member sangat, so main la sorang-sorang, aku pernah sembang sorang-sorang, lepas tuh cakap kat pokok getah...samapai pernah la tok aku cakap..."awang hang nih gila ka cakap sorang sorang". Aku cukup malu kalau ada orang tegur masa time tuh. Tapi la bila ada ramai orang aku pulak malas cakap ngan depa, tapi kalau member aku sembangla.

Kerja....kerja....kerja, jom kerja lagi cari duit. Com cari kerja yang buleh bagi lagi banyak duit, ala setia kat satu kompeni pon bukannya depa nak bagi kereta sebijik masa berenti....paling kuat seutas jam. Tapi kalau stay kat sini pon ok gak..mana tau dapat saham....hmmm bila nak dapat????Conpius kepala aku.

*Meskipon kerja aku sekarang agak mebosankan tapi aku bersyukur sebab masih ada kerja untuk aku, taktau la esok macam mana.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Diarrhea Attack Us

Agak malang agaknya nasib famili aku minggu lepas. Dah seminggu anak aku kena diarrhea, dan mangsa kedua ialah bini aku. Minggu lepas punyalah siksa sebab hari Jumaat minggu lepas tu kereta aku dah buat hal, so aku pi lah bengkel betulkan aircon. So balik dari bengkel tuh aku jengok2 lah sat kat Bandar Mahkota Cheras, nak cari rumah baru. So balik dari mahkota cheras aku bawak bini aku pi sekali lagi Mahkota Cheras. Lepas pi tengok, balik pulak rumah nak tengok anak aku, balik ja, adik aku bagitau Haziq kami ingat cirit-birit sebab susu so semua buat ok ja. So malam tuh bermulalah episod tak cukup tidoq semua orang, masa tuh badan Haziq dah start panas dah, so kami tuamkan sikit badan dia, so ok la sikit tapi esoknya suhu naik mendadak jadi 39 darjah celcius. Aku mula menggelabah sebab teringat kalau budak demam panas boleh mati ataupon terencat akal. So aku cepat-cepat la bawak pi klinik, memula memang ingat nak pi klinik tapi wife aku cakapdia ada GL dari BCB so kami bawak Haziq pi Ampang Putri. Masuk ja jumpa doctor, anak aku terus disahkan kena diarrhea. Anak kena tahan kat wad, nak tak nak emaknya pon kena duduk wad sebab nak jaga anak. So duduk la wife aku kat wad tuh 2 hari, hari ketiga dah boleh balik. Anak aku kena masukkan air sebab doctor cakap kurang air. Hari Ahad tuh lepas anak aku masuk wad aku balik rumah ambik semua barang untuk depa, lepas tuh aku mintaklah kat wife aku nak pi kenduri Pizli, memula tuh dia tak bagi pi sebab dia kata jauh, takut aku balik lambat. So aku cakap la sebab aku dah janji tapi dlm hati aku rasa bersalah jugakla sebab anak aku tengah demam dan cirit birit aku nak pi kenduri pulak. Tapi last sekali aku pi jugak, lepas aku pi amik Hfezh kat Tun Hussein Onn aku pi ambik Keon pulak. Lepas tu kati tiga ekoq pi rumah Din sebab dah janji nak pi dengan kereta Din. Sampai kat rumah Din kami tak tunggu lama kami naik ja kereta Din terus pi Sungkai. Dan aku memang tak bernasib baik hari tu sebab kereta Din rosak.tengah jalan lagi 20-30 km nak sampai rumah Pizli. Nasib baik la pengantin dah off, o dialah yang mai ambik. Petang tuh kami bali naik trak tunda.

Hari Selasa aku pi ambik anak aku, aku tengok dia dah ok. Sebenarnya hari pertama lagi dah ok sikit. Tapi berak masih sama jugak cirit birit, cuma dah tak muntah. Masa nak ambik tuh aku terkejut sebab tengok bil sampai dekat 2k. tapi aku bayaq RM137 ja sebab aga gurantee letter dari BCB. Balik rumah aku masih tak puas hati pasal bil tuh sebab anak aku baru masuk wad dengan tambah air lepas tuh ada la ubat sikit. Tapi nak buat macam mana hospital swasta. Malam merdeka kami semua dok rumah, tidoq awal, hari merdeka pon tak buat apa-apa. Semua lepak tengok TV. Keesokkannya hari Khamis anak aku dah sakit balik, asyik merengek dari malam sampai ke pagi. Pepagi lagi aku dah pi kerja tengahhari tuh aku ambik halfday. Balik rumah sat lepas tuh aku cakap kat bini aku , aku nak bawak balik kampung pi klinik pakar kat Kedah. So petang tuh jugak aku bertolak balik Kedah.

Sampai kat Kedah lebih kurang pukul 8 malam. Aku terus pi klinik pakar kanak-kanak, dah la penat drive, klinik tutup pulak hari tuh. Terpaksala balik dulu rumah, alhamdulillah, sebab masa dalam perjalanan anak aku ok ja, dia tidoq dari KL sampai Kedah. Perut dia pon dah ok secara tetiba, Cuma berak masih jugak berair. So malam tuh lepakla kat rumah mertua. Esoknya aku bawak jugak pi klinik, doktor kata dah ok Cuma la ni kena pakai susu tanpa laktosa, hmmm.....beli susu lah lagi. Nasib aku memang kurang baik, wife aku pulak sakit perut, dia pon sama macam anak aku jugak bila berak cair ja. Nasib baik aku tak kena. Hari balik KL wife aku nampak tak larat sgt, so aku suruh dia rehat kat seatt belakang, ala memang dia duduk belakang pon ngan Haziq, nasib baik anak aku jenis kalau naik kereta mesti tidoq, so tak la dia kacau mak dia yg tengah sakit perut tuh. Aku balik KL sampai dalam pukul 8.15 malam. Pagi tadi masa naik train dengan wife aku dia kata tak larat sangat sebab sakit perut. Hmmmmm…..takkan lepas wife aku, aku pulak kena diarrhea, takut jugak nih.

* Amalkan hidup sihat .

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Those Bloody Vendor

Every time I meet our vendor, I always ask myself why it’s so hard for them to finish this project. Is it a matter of time consuming or just you guys have a bad programmer. It’s already 5 days I’m waiting for them to solve live issue. I remember last week I meet them and told them about those error that happen inside the system, it seems that they cannot accept the problem and try to avoid it. And for me it cannot be accept because user spotted the mistake, and if the programmer cannot find it, so who is the programmer actually. When I just join this company, one of staff here told me that, always check for the vendor code, because they might not doing it correctly, and I even experienced it when one of this module already tested by my supervisor and already sign out, but suddenly when we want to deploy that module didn’t work. So we have to chase the programmer and sit beside him and make sure he’s doing it correctly. In one more cases, I have called the vendor, and asked him either can we extend the module capability from just printing receipt that has been key-in by user but also receipt generated by system, guess what? He said, he needs to create a new module for that so we have to pay for that simple problem, Bollywood vendor. I think it is bad to deal with this kind of vendor.

We already facing a problem with the system although it’s already on production, this is worse because we dealing with money. Luckily vendor still here, if the vendor left, I guess maybe we have to solve it by our own. If you want to know why our IT graduate is so hard to find a job, here is the problem. Actually there is a lot of project that involve with IT in our country, but most of them a using outside vendor, from India, and of course the programmer also from India. Its not to say their programmer is not good, but is it our Malaysian is so bad their knowledge. Issue of graduate cannot speak well in English, or lack of communication is an old issue; the Japanese not even can speak a single line of word. Still they believe they can do it, and they have done it, just see the electronic product. If we didn’t believe on our own people who is going to do it? Hmmm… just so pathetic to see our IT graduate being dump, of course fresh graduate is lack of knowledge and skill but please we can give them a chance. Anak kera disusukan, anak dirumah mati kelaparan.

* Thanks to my former boss for gave a chance to show my talent and improve my knowledge and skills.
* Ni mana jubah Yahudi mabuk kau kutip? Kat sini- nih mana programmer mabuk korang kutip nih?
* Kesian gak aku tengok graduate nak cari kerja, termasuklah aku sendiri walau dah ada experience, kerja memang banyak kat malaysia tapi kalau hang ada degree takkan hang nak pi kerja buruh binaan ye tak?

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Another Wave Coming

Without noticed it's already 6 month I been retrenched, and it’s already 6 month I joined this company. It was a pathetic time for me, for the first 3 month in this company, I was a looser in every aspect and nobody guide me through, only my ‘mandur’ gave some explanation what happened here. Overall here is OK, previous company was better, here I got a few friend from other department mine only the senior people sometimes say hi! Anyway it is a luck actually for me to joined here a day after the bad news. I never expected to be retrench, I hope I left it by say good bye to the HR, but things didn’t happen like that they dumped us together like rubbish. At the end we all lined up to received our last payment, ‘macam ambik gaji buruh’. Luckily Allah has prepared another place for me. That what was happened 6 month ago, now? Now there is rumors that another wave coming towards me, if last time I got my team mate to share the burden now I didn’t know how to share it, here I feel lonely and these rumors just make me nervous and always thinking the fate of my family and my son.

Rumors of VSS is okay, but retrenchment will make people like me suffer for a couple of month or a year or forever. The management decision of shared services is a good idea, but the bad is for us to accept it. Maybe for this moment they say, “we will utilized all of our manpower, and nobody is going anywhere”, what happened at the end is make me nervous. Insurance company the said is stable, but from my point of view, if there to many people on it somebody has to get out, so they can maximum their profit. Here they are trying to share IT from three Insurance company under this group into one, its not only IT but also finance, and HR. That’s mean 3 company will have one HR, IT and finance, that what I know.

I hope I can find job as soon as possible because I can feel the wave but yet didn’t see it. And if it comes I just can make a hope that some one can hold me; otherwise I will end up at home. With the problem of the vendor at here and all bugs inside the system developed by the vendor I feel more to move out from this place rather than stay for another couple of year. Just imagine how can you pay for a couple of million, to get a system just make more problems for you, and now these vendor using that bugs to gets more money from you. And sometimes they even try to “kelentong” you.

Since this company has end up their contract workers, a lot of pending job to be settle, plus more, there are also a high volume of sign off including the HR Asst Manager. I just pray to get another job, better pay or anything is better, can arrr?

* Korang ader kerja kosong tak?
* Aku rasa lagi baik jaga lembu la, dari kerja ngan org nih, makan gaji nih kerja tak menetu, ikut dan ja nak buang org.

Friday, August 12, 2005

What They Talked

Why in this world we have to compare what we have with others, and especially women, huh now women will may not like me. But this is true, I guess!!! It seems that most of us will make comparison with others, although we know that would never bring anything to us, but maybe give some inspired idea how to improve ourselves. But sometimes comparison just bring out an enemy instead of an idol. In my office..pssst….now a group of lady start talking about their friend behavior, and they just don like her because she is ‘suka menunjuk-nunjuk’. After a few minutes of waste some of their times (I hope they can sit down at their place and play solitaire) and they gone. Now maybe you guys say that I’m “curi-curi dengar”, hey come on they talk it in front of my place, actually it was my Project Manager place. Sometimes I enjoyed too, hihiihii….every time they talk I can heard that they relieve their anger, good anger management. They covered almost every material topic from car till underwear (I guess).

I just don’t talk too much in my office, except with guys. Today no conversation yet, maybe after this afternoon they will come have another. Yesterday converstion a little bit hot, “ala baru beli kereta waja dah nak menunjuk-nunjuk, yang kiter nih ader unser tak cakap pon” . Ya Allah selamatkanlah aku dari api neraka mu, aku terpaksa mendengar semua ini. Now see, sometimes we think that person is so menunjuk-nunjuk, but what happen when we said it too it show that we are more than that. Ader lagi ayat power org pompuan nih kalau korang nak tau contoh: “Zaman kiter pakai kat kredit dah habih dah, biarlah dia pulak nak pakai kad kredit”. There some more “ala bayar itu pon nak guna kat kredit”. Sometimes it infected my wife too “Ain dah lepas bertunang, sikit-sikit my fiancee”. Hahhaha…beware pizli, almost women have this habit. Hafezh ok kot, but not to say that it was to bad, but it just irritating when they say it in front of me, for me what ever they say or do it, it was their own business, but sometimes it infect me too “duduk rumah kecik, pakai kereta sikit punya besaq” but it not always.

Women love to do that more than men, men when they do it they do it inside, keep it and they blow it when it become trouble. Just don’t make it as a weapon to insult our own friend although we may don’t like her but she still human, human its natural to make a mistake. We love to do it, because so we can show that we have something that they don’t have. Like this, “ko dah beli ps3, aku baru beli semalam”, it just not correct its better like this “aku semalam dah beli ps3, ko nak try dak” hahahahha 2x5. Anyway human is human, arrogant. There is another style menunjuk-nunjuk, pakai seluar jeans lowcut nampak spender brand apa, especially girls, hhahaha tak boleh diterima akal. Kalau pakai brand scuba taknak pulak dia tunjuk.

Huhu let we all left it first and go for solat Jumaat. Aku bukan nak menunjuk ha ini memang kenyataan hari Jumaaat memang kita kena pergi solat Jumaat. Mintak ampun bebanyak. And then those conversation come again. Women, forgive me it not all of you like that but sometimes obviously it was made it from a group of you. Dah la aku nak sembahyang pulak.

* Aku skrg malas nak layan kalau ader org cakap menunjuk-nunjuk, mampos ko la.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Cuaca Oh Cuaca

Makin hari makin teruk aku tengok keadaan cuaca la. La nih pula kurang hujan, ditambah dengan jerebu nih, aduh sakit mata memandang berat lagi hidung nak bernyawa. Aku baru saja balik dari kampung, terus jadi macam culture shock pulak tengok. Sebab masa dekat Kedah keadaan tak teruk macam KL nih. Bila balik mai rasa macam pi Cameroon Highland pulak, cuma beza dia, tak sejuk. Dulu masa aku kecik-kecik aku nak pi sekolah kayuh "gerek", sampai kat sekolah aku pegang muka aku ada wap-wap air, sejuk oooo, itu kabus ok tapi la nih. Tapi la nih aku rasa kalau kayuh "gerek" mau dapat selsema, lepas tuh tekak mesti rasa kasar sikit.

Minggu lepas aku pi tukaq aku punya aircon, kedai melayu, ok la dia buat. Tengah tukaq tu aku ada sembang sikit dengan mamat nih. Aku cakap, dulu org naik kereta tak payah aircon pon , pasang kipas pon dah ok, lepas tuh dia kata dulu banyak pokok, la nih semua tebang nak buat perumahan. La nih org dah tak gunakan kedinginan pokok-pokok dah untuk sejukkan suasana, tapi ramai yang pilih pakai air-con, pelikkan, dari yang tak kena bayaq terus kena bayaq. Kalau rumah kat taman tak pasang aircon siap la, kalau rumah tuh atas bukit ok la sikit sebab ada angin lalu. Lagi satu aku heran arkitek mana yang design rumah kat malaysia nih, kalau rumah teres tuh, dia punya pengudaraan, masyaallah, kambing pon tak tahan kalau tak pasang kipas atau aircon. Kalau musim panas mau masak daging. Kalau rumah flet ok sikit sebab tinggi ada la sikit angin masyuk.

Tapi itu lah kenyataan dunia hari ini, cuaca tak menentu, ditambahkan pulak dengan rumah yang panas. Kat opis satu hal, kalau sejuk, sejuk sangat macam peti ais. Tapi kes jerebu nih memang dah kronik, mau-mau kalau hujan lebat sekali baru ok sikit. Pagi tadi aku tengok kat luaq pukul 8 pun rasa macam pukul 7, matahari jangan cakap la, dah dua hari aku tak tengok. Nih kalau tak ok jugak maunya perintah berkurung nih. Klinik swasta la nih tengah naik sikit la income sebab ramai sakit, hehehe duit lebih la sikit.

* Aku tak berapa suka sangat aircon, takut nanti bibir aku kering dan merekah.
* Sekarang rumah design lebih kurang ja, kalau teres 2 tingkat, lebih kurang sama macam rumah panjang Sarawak. Agaknya arkitek tuh dpt idea dar i Sarawak kot.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Balik Kampung

Balik kampung, uish best nih..yg nih memang best. Dah sebulan lebih tak balik kampung. Aku kalau bab balik kampung paling best bila tiba hari yg nak balik tuh mesti rasa best semacam. Paling best kalau aku balik kampung aku suka bangun awal pepagi lepas tu termenung sat tengok bukit dekat dengan rumah aku. Fuhh…kalau semalam tuh baru lepas hujan, pagi tu rasa best ja…berkabus. Rumah aku nih rumah felda so taklah best macam banglo, tapi bestnya dekat sini udara memang best, angin jangan cakap, sekali datang macam sepoi-sepoi tuh.

Dulu kalau masa belum kahwin aku balik kampung aku sorang ja, la nih kenalah balik rumah mak mertua aku. Rumah mak mertua aku nih rumah taman, so kuranglah sikit dia punya feel tuh. Dulu rumah mak aku rumah papan, la nih dah jadi batu. Duduk kat felda nih feeling dia lain dari duduk kampung, kalau kampung rasa sunyi sikit(kampung aku la), lainla kalau Kampung Baru. Kat felda ramai penduduk so macam duduk kat taman jugak tapi rumah sebijik-bijik, tak main aaa rumah semi-d sapa nak kongsi dinding.

Aku kalau nak balik kampung nih, bab yg paling aku tak puas hati tol dengan minyak. Tol dah la mahal, minyak lagi. Selalu kalau aku balik, confirm RM 200 untuk kos pergi balik termasuk minyak, itu belum perut2 meragam lagi, dan buah tangan. Kira balik kampung nih perlu dimasukkan dalam bajet family jugak la. So tak boleh la nak balik tiap2 bulan. Tapi kalau dah rasa takdak arah sangat duduk kat KL nih memang aku cau balik kampung. Perjalanan memangla jauh, dahtu pakai 1 driver pulak,aku la tunggu wife aku buleh drive ja kalau buleh terus aku bagi dia drive. Pemandangan masa balik tak boleh nak cerita sebab aku jalan malam so nampak gelap jerla, tapi ader jugak hari yang aku balik pagi, pagi memang best kalau nak start perjalanan, selalunya time pukul 6 dan kebawah dan masa tuh dah dekat area Gua Tempurung, pemandangan memang best. Aku kalau balik memang jarang berenti, memang one shot sampai rumah terus, tapi dah ada baby nih aku berenti la jugak. So hujung minggu nih kat kg ler aku.

* Kalau kampung kat Bdr Tun Hussein Onn, tiap2 hari aku balik. kihkihkih...
* Minyak naik lagi nih, taktau la berapa pulak minyak untuk balik kampung.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Malaysian Football

This will be a controversy if we talk it at café or with our friend everybody have their own idea and their own team that they can refer or choose. Well when I try to write about this matter, it’s not more than just a hard feeling from me. I’m not a football player or far away a sportsman. But I like sport like others do, and I’m enjoyed doing it and if I didn’t do it for a month I felt like my body is weak.

Well football has been in Malaysia for a long time, and still we haven’t mastered it. And even we seem like not moving anywhere. We play the same style and even training using the same method and not having a good foundation of it. But when we talk café we talk like we have the skill and know about it. I always follow Malaysian football news, and of course Malaysian outside there also doing the same. While we moving step by step changing our league name and put up a shining on it, we forgot that we a loosing a skill on the field. I still remember when I was in secondary school, there is not much training for football player at school, at primary school also we only have some set of simple training. And all the player for school came from a people who really have talent on it, and not build from a training. Here in Malaysia we don’t have a good foundation of football, most of our national footballer also seem can’t mastered a base skill that a football player should have.

I like to see Japanese and Korean; they are discipline, and even have a good skill of football, if 10 to 15 years ago we beat them now anytime they will beat us. Now even the Thai also have shown improvement, their discipline has put them as a good football player. In Malaysia discipline are number 2 but skill come first, even that also we can’t have a good skill player. Poor Malaysian we cannot even sent our team to Asian tournament. We change everything still our footballer not improve, if they win today tomorrow the will loose. I think maybe we have forgot one thing, our youngster. We are lack on training the youngster, that’s why our footballer cannot have a good base skill. Football training should start from a young age. 7-12 is a good time to give them time to enjoy play, and teach them all then basic skill. When I was in primary school none of this being taught, I also don’t know how I can kick a ball, maybe because I learned it from kung fu movie, Jackie Chan. I don’t know if we already have it in our primary school right now. What I know is currently there are a few academy that teach football for kids, this one we have to pay for it.

Hope one day we could really enjoy watching our own league. Nothing to say anymore, this just what I see and follow, maybe you guys have another good reason for this.

* Korang rasa org malaysia main bola macam mana?Ke org malaysia ni takat main kat kg jer kut.
* Tak pernah ada org ajaq aku main bola betui2, dulu main bola, asal boleh lari sambil tendang bola dah kira ok la.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Am I Guilty ?

It was all my fault, I don't know how this flu get into my house. Actually I got a feeling to get flu a few days before. But I still can control it, so I didn’t take any medicine. So yesterday this flu has infected my son. For medical history, I am having a sinus problem, and it has been inherit by my son. And last night everybody cannot sleep well. He keep crying when he cough.

So this morning I took a half-day leave to send him to clinic. Actually I cannot see my son crying like that, it’s like he was trying to say something to us and it’s so pity. Luckily the medicine has made him fall asleep, and I can go to work. But still my wife has to take care of him. Just now my wife call and say that the temperature has fall, from 38 degrees to 37. Hmmm….he should be okay. It’s not our first time facing this, this is second time, first is two month ago when my wife stay at my mother in-law house. That time my father came and took him to Klinik Pakar Kanak-Kanak, and all was okay, but this time its only us taking care of him, I want to make sure at least he can smile tonight. Today he’s not smile yet, because every morning he will wake up 6.30 am and start playing, that is the time I will play with my son. This because everyday when we back from work, take him from nursery he will fall asleep.

Tonight I hope we can keep him comfortable enough to sleep. Last night was not so good but still better than when he had a stomach problem. Now I can feel how hard is to be a parent, To my mak and ayah thank you so much. Last night my mom was at my home so everything is under control, but tonight, wah….only me, my wife and my sister.

* Masuk nih dah kali ketiga ada kes besar kat Haziq.Demam Selsema, Sakit Perut, Demam Selsema.
* Lebih baik korang jgn melawat bebudak kecik kalau ada selsema, kesian aku tengok kalau bebudak terutama anak sendiri.
* Oklah Haziq, nanti ayah makan ubat. Puas aku nak bagi nak aku makan ubat, berbagai helah aku guna, selalu fail.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Beli Rumah

Aku bukak topik nih sebab aku nak beli rumah. Dan dah dekat setahun aku cari rumah yang sesuai tapi tak jumpa. Ada yang aku jumpa tapi jauh sangat, ada pulak yang aku jumpa rumah retak, ada lagi rumah tinggi (kondo) takut gempabumi, nanti goyang. Sampai sekarang aku ngan bini aku dalam dilema nak cari rumah. Dan aku dah naik segan nak pi Bukit Mahkota cari rumah, sebab dah dua tiga kali pi tapi satu rumah pon aku tak beli. Aku dah naik geram duduk rumah sekarang, sebab rumah ni banyak masalah, lepas tuh sewa pulak tuh. Tapi aku suka suasana kat sini sebab tempat letak kereta besaq sangat. Kalau aku pi beli rumah dua tingkat, salesman tuh mesti cakap "ini rumah you boleh park dua keleta ooo, side by side". Rumah aku la aku boleh buat parking lot. Tapi, rumah flet dua bilik, kalau tiga bilik dan luas dah lama aku beli rumah nih. Aku pulak, jenis kalau nak membeli nih cukup memilih. Bayangkanlah aku nak beli kasut aku pilih samapai dua tiga hari. Ni rumah mesti mau dua tiga tahun nih. Hafezh tau lah bertapa sempitnya rumah aku!! Sekarang pulak adik aku duduk sekali, so ruang tamu akau dah jadi, bilik tidoq dia la. Lagi satu bilik aku buat ampaian...malas aku nak sidai baju kat luar.

Tempat-tempat yang aku dah pergi tengok showhowse; Bukit Mahkota, Bangi, Kajang, Bandar Mahkota Cheras, Bandar Tun Hussein Onn, Taman Midah ( dekat dengan rumah aku sekarang). So aku nih kira dah jadi macam broker rumah pulak. Lepas tu tiap kali ada MAPEX mesti ada muka aku ngan bini aku kat situ cari rumah, dan seperti kebiasaan, kitaorang kumpul brochure, kalau korang nak boleh datang amik kat aku. Aku pulak kalau dah ada brochure mulalah layan berangan tengok brochure, padahal belum beli lagik. Hari tuh aku dapat satu rumah 2 tingkat di Bandar Tun Husseim Onn harga dlm 230K, kira murah la jugak. Tapi keadaan rumah, tak berapa nak menyenangkan. So sekarang kami masih lagi dok berangan nak beli rumah. Agak korang la rumah yang macam mana korang pilih:

Bukit Mahkota
Luas: 45x60 SemiD
Harga: 216k

Bandar Mahkota Cheras


Prisma Midah (Kondo)
Luas : 1500sft
Harga: 233k

Bandar TunHusseinOnn

Pening kepala aku nak pilih semua yg di atas. Sebab dekat Bukit Mahkota tu jauh dari tempat kerja aku, tapi rumah luas, Prisma Midah, Kondo tak larat aku nak bayaq maintenance. Bandar Tun Hussein Onn pulak rumah ad buruk sikit jugak la. Bandar Mahkota Cheras kira dekat la tapi hmmm aku takut la pulak kena bagun awal bagi meredah jem dekat Plaza Pheonix. Pikir punya pikir sampai sekarang aku belum boleh buat keputusan. Silap-silap aku duduk dekat sini lagi 5 tahun, argggh rumah sempit.

* Aku kalau buleh nak duduk felda jugak sebab kawasan rumah sangat lapang.
* Pizli rumah felda best kan!!!

Friday, July 29, 2005

Am I Expanding My Knowledge Or Not?

Work and work and work again! Ok let's break our head today by doing self-assessment, don’t worry this one is formative it wont be carry anywhere. Ok, my first job as programmer was a great moment for me to expand my knowledge and my skills. Until today I consider my self as a person who like to know about new things. It's not to say that I'm a scientist but I just like to explore more knowledge. Ok back to the main topic, I'm keep asking myself everyday when I come to work everyday, what actually I have done, and is it improve my skill enough, what will be happen for the next 5 years if I keep doing this, what is the next task for me. Ok sorry for asking too much, but I always asking that for myself, and sometimes I just ignore those kind of question.

Ask yourself, and then we will drill our skill, that’s what my foster brother said. Because sometimes when I doing my work I said to myself “ini org yang tak tau IT pon boleh buat”. So what the hell is they need IT people to do this (because they want to give you money, you jerk!). Please, I’m not only capable of doing data extraction and updating others, hey I’m a programmer! I can do that ----this what I feel like to say to my boss. My work place its not a good place to learn programming, but if you want to know a little bit about account and insurance, yes! After a few months in this new company I feel that I’m not gaining my programming skill but a got knowledge in insurance accounting, OK that not so bad. But situation in this company just make me feel “boring, empty”. I feel like a call center person, because everyday there will be call from user, saying that they cannot do this and that. And then I will forward this issue to the vendor and they solve it. People say Programmer from India is good, talented, and cheap, hey boss!! please don’t forgot your own people in Malaysia, they capable too (This another problem we’ll talk about it later).

So, the moment I joint this company, I already not doing any programming, I lost my touch. Now this humble programmer doing a job like “mandur”. OK how about yours? You must be learning a lot of new things. If I stay here for another 5 years I hope I can be IT manager….hahhahah….this must be, because here I don’t even have to know the code, except if those vendor runaway. I currently try to push my self learn about another thing, maybe management, do we have to learn how to manage? If not management then I have to continue learn programming, mobile , games, application…whatever as long I have something to prepare for future. Until today I don’t know how much have I learned in this company.

They said, if we keep doing the same thing for a long time we would master it. Is it true? All I feel is boring. I’m just preparing myself, with all of this question inside my mind. Because I’m afraid if one day if I want to look for another jobs it will be harder than a fresh graduate looking for job. And looking for a new knowledge sometimes will help us in our carrier. Ok that it, lets take a part time class…..hehhehehehe.

* I want to improve my English, it seems my English not going anywhere for a long time.

* Nanti kalau aku dah terer baru buleh jadi boss. Hehehhehe.....bos!bos kuruss!!!!(remember this?).

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Playing Computer Games.

I did'nt know how to start actually. But this kind of issue have a big impact on almost everyone who know to play computer games. How long actually we spend our times on this things. Hmmm...for me I will play until I win, this only apply for a certain type of game, such as arcade. For when I was in university I dare not to go for lunch just because to play games. And it happen also to a few of the people. It seems have become a habit after I come back from my class I will go straight to my PC and play game. I even spent a long time just to renew my record on minesweeper.

Although we know playing games is wasting a lot of time, we just ignore it. And for me when I was in a first semester in University, i don't have a computer. So I using computer at lab want to do assignment, back to my hostel I saw my friend playing games on his PC, and I be the supporter behind him. Although it was not my first time playing games, but it have become another interest on me. My first playing games is when I was around 5-7 years old, I was in Pekan Merbok,Kedah on that time. My father bring me to "kedai game", it was an arcade game, my uncle give me a chance to play, although only afew times I already love it. But it was after 6-8 years later a start to play arcade game. I spend a lot of money at arcade, me and my best friend will go to one of this shop and play arcade games until we all broke.HAHHAHAHAH.....we call this activity as menabung", I don't know what the hell is we tabung for. But for sure the tokey welcome us with a big smile.

I also has experienced being caught by Police due to enter into video game(under age), they sent us to our HeadMaster. It is strange because my father didn't angry at me. After that cases I stop for a while, but still go to video game.On that time also to play one game cost me 20 cent. Usually we spare RM2 for every visit. Hahahhah...I still remember, I like to play SnowBros , BloodBrother(Not sure exact name) and Kickoff. Street Fighter not in my favourate because I don't know how to make power.

When I was in University PC Game has taken place in m heart, I use my friends PC, Pentium 166Mhz can be consider as a good PC, and playing DarkReign. is fun, I spare my whole night playing that game on my first semester. I even ask my friend to "tapau" for me, I didn't go for dinner, dinner consider as wasting time, crazy. But 1st year not yet so crazy, second year almost all of my batch have to stay outside the campus, so we rent a house at Taman Teratai, I bought my first computer, pentium 11 266 maaaa....MMX...AGP...8MB graphic card, here I start my hobbies, playing PC Games. I went to Holiday Plaza and buy a lot of games, I spend most of my time playing video game, I don't even dare to look at my notes, and on that semester I got a bad result. Luckily I'm still student(nasib baik tak kena kick), my result below 2.0....... hahahahahha.

After that shock, I start to control my hobbies, but the rate still can be consider as high, 5 hours a day menghadap PC. I try every type of game, and some of it even play it on network. Hmmmmm....I guess my habit of playing video game still can be seen until today. My wife said "awat nak makan menatang tuh
ka!!!"....and I, hehehehehe. But my wife always will come to me when I play games,
and critic on my style of playing, and even try to change strategy for me, and even
try to down me. Here are some of word from my wife:

"Hai tak menang2 lagi ka"
"Awat kuda tuh jln atas kebun sayuq, habih la kebun org kg"(this when I play Age of
"Tak mau makan????"
"Nak makan game tu????"
"Tak lawa la susunan nih""Bagi la saya try pulak"
"Bila nak buat game sendiri"(Yg nih bisa!!!!)
"Dari tak ada anak sampai ada anak game sendiri tak siap2"(Aduh tajam menikam)

Now I'm a busy man, but sometimes curi2 gak main game. But I don't how others handle
this habit. But for me the desire is still there, only the time is not enough. I had
to share it with a lot of people now. When I was university I even setup our home network just to play games. Then every body inside that home wake up late. Morning feels like night and night feel like afternoon. I dont know I can be a programmer although I dont have a good result and playing game so much while in university. Today there a lot of game, but my computer already absolete(dah tua).

* Skrg masih nak main game, masa!masa!masa! tak mengizinkan.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Is It Me or My Farther Has A Better Life

When I was young(in primary school) I read a story book about a clever boy, came from poor family. His family is very poor, they cannot afford to have a good home, wear a worn shirt, eat only rice and ikan masin. His father only a farmer, or rubber-tapper enough to get a couple of ringgit to buy food. But this boy have a dream to change all of that, and want his family life to be better. And inside this story there is a teacher who is always support this boy to study hard cause he is resposible towards his job, after he study so hard, this boy succeed and go to the University. After a couple of year in University, he came back to his family with a Bachelor Degree. Then he got a job at town, big salary, buy a big house for his family, and live happily. The end.

That is the story that I have read, what I have experienced, I enter University, come out and there is so hard to find a job. Luckily there is a contract job for me and I took it(it is a desperate time). Ok go back to the topic what I want to elaborate is, have I succeed in finding a better life? Well my father is a rubber-tapper when he was on the same age of me now. How he feed us and took us to school? My father work from 7.00 am until 1.00 pm. And then come-back home and meet us. Todays I work from 8.30 am until 5.30 pm, and go home to meet my wife and son. Here is a big different my father have 4 hours and 30 minutes to spend with us, but today I think about it. And at night I learned Quran from my father, me at night I already exausted, and just thinking about taking asleep. That was about job, how about stress? My father sometimes "susah hati jugak" but he has a lot of free time to think how to improve. Me free time only came on weekends(stupid! they pay us to spend our life for their life, but that's it "makan gaji"). My father(Kalau hujan tak boleh menoreh, cuti, duit pon kurang). Me(hujan ka, ribut ka, mai jugak nak kerja kalau tak kena buang).

And then come about property and car, or some other luxuries. Felda give My father land and house (thanks Tun Abdul Razak), still have some debt on it. my father only have honda c70 a.k.a kapchai, simpanan ada sesikit. Me, I dont have any property(rumah pon sewa) and have a honda car that I'm proudly have to pay monthly RM600(nak sgt kereta best). Dulu kalau kitaorang nak pi mana-mana kena sewa kereta, sebelum tuh naik motor balik kampung. Kami pernah naik satu motor 4 orang, ok la sebab aku ngan adik aku ja, lagipon kecik masa tuh. Kalau balik kg masa hujan kena berenti kat memana sebab takut kena hujan(Aku pernah tertidoq atas motor, nasib baik tak jatuh). Lepas tuh ayah aku ada la jugak buat kerja sampingan, pernah try jadi kontraktor, satu projek ja berjaya yg lain tak ada rezeki.Lepas tuh ayah aku jadi driver van kilang. Lepas tu mak aku pon kerja jugak la sebab duit tak cukup, ahli bertambah, pendapatan tak seberapa. While me today I bring my family anywhere with car, and petrol always a barrier for us to move further. OK i guess I can win if I compare this situation with my father, because on this age I already have a car but lost alot of quality time dan takde rumah sendiri.

Today my father age is already around 53. And his work very simple, everyday he wake up 6.00 am, take a bath go for pray, 6.30a.m open his small gas station, then have a visit to Pusat Mengumpul Getah check all the record over there. 1.30 pm come home for lunch, take a sleep as well, 3.00 p.m go again to gas station. Nobody dare to giving a lecture to my father he is the boss, me(of course my boss will kick my ass), and ask me to keep update on my work, makan gaji. Everyday 5 days a week, 8 till 6, I will be away from family. Hafezh, you're right, we work like mad for this one way of finding rezeki and left other 9 sources to other people. So here is the comparison between me and my father:

My father dont have a boss, I have boss (paham2 la akalau dah ada boss tuh)
My father surely no retrenchment, me already got a retrenchment letter.
My father have business to handle, and I have people problem to handle.
My father have grossly 24 hours for his own time(Takdak sapa nak marah),My time 8.30 till 5.30 belong to somebody else.
My father if want to go anywhere, just ask his son to take care the shop, me ambik cuti la lagi.
My father sambil sembang boleh buat kerja, me (try la tengok kalau nak mampus)
My father salary(tak banyak, tapi cukup untuk bagi kat semua anak2), me (cukup2 bagi kat nursery, bayaq kereta and other bills)My father have another plan expand business, my plan is looking for anther job.
My father anytime can go to school to se his children, me only if I can get permission from boss.
My father is an employer, me is employeeMy father is org felda(fresh air), me everyday sedut habuk.
My father kg mana ada jam, me traffic jam can be feel inside my flats.
My father house can fit my flat on it.
(They say if you stay in the city you can get good education(org pekan pandai2), for me bad situation)
My father kalau tak dak air mandi sungai, aku tak mandi langsung.

Actually there is a lot more that I want to compare, its enough, I dont want to loose more. Compare to education of course a have a better degree than my father,but compare with job I guess this one I have to educate myself more. This comparison cannot be use to other parties, because this comparison only made by me and suited my situation, if there is other poeple has same situation it must be kebetulan.

I think I got the conclusion here, and moral too, because I have been thinking about this since I was in University until today. What's the big deal about being a graduate? Yeah! there is a big deal, and we have to change it. Conclusion here my father won it 10-0, its me who have lost and prepare to change one day. We lost a lot of our precious time working from 8.30 till 5.30 a day, and that's it we have to, kalau tak, nak makan apa, but we can try to change it, you may think about it.I'm afraid one day I couldnt take care my son very well, becuse i'm to busy with work. Moral is although we have education/knowledge but we did'nt use it correctly, we have to "makan gaji", kalau betul2 maybe can be Bill Gates, and as I remember my teacher has never told me that "makan gaji" is hurt, org bawah la teruk. This conclusion and moral is only suite for me. OK let's get back to work again.

* Bila la aku nak kerja sendiri,sebenarnya aku takut nak start business sendiri walaupon ader peluang.Yerlah dah biasa tiap2 bulan org kasi duit. Hafezh jom jual nasi lemak!
*8.30-5.30 everyday, I was a slave. Biler la nak merdeka sepenuhnya.

Monday, July 25, 2005


Aku pon nak tulis gak sebab tunggu, korang punya blog update kekadang tuh lambat. Hehehe...guess what, actually i'm in a boring situation. Bukan apa aku pon nak jugak sharekan aku punya pandangan ngan org lain. Tunggu Pizli punya blog tak update, Hafezh punya pon kekadang lama gak so aku kasi aku punya la plak. Punyer lah lama aku nak menggodeh bendalah nih padahal aku amik IT. Nanti korang bacalah plak blog aku.